
Gwasanaeth Gŵyl Biwmares 28/5/2023 Beaumaris Festival Service

Croeso cynnes i bawb! Dewch i fwynhau’r gwasanaeth arbennig hwn. All are welcome! Please do come to enjoy this special service.

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  • 📅 28 Mai 2023
  • ⏰ 10:30yb
  • ⛪️ Eglwys S Mair a Niclas, Biwmares

Ar fore Sul 28 Mai am 10:30yb byddwn yn falch o groesawu Gwasanaeth Gŵyl Biwmares i Eglwys S Mair a Niclas, Biwmares, unwaith eto. Dyma wasanaeth o’r Cymun Bendigaid ar gân i osodiad ‘Offeren Fer’ gan Dilys Elwyn-Edwards. Bydd Cantorion Monteverdi yn canu dan arweiniad Graeme Cotterill.

Cliciwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth am yr holl ddigwyddiadau yng Ngŵyl Biwmares eleni.

  • 📅 28 May 2023
  • ⏰ 10:30am
  • ⛪️ Church of St Mary and Nicholas, Beaumaris

On Sunday 28 May at at 10:30am we are once again please to welcome the Beaumaris Festival Service to the Church of St Mary and Nicholas, Beaumaris. This is a service of Holy Communion, sung to sung to ‘Offeren Fer’ by Dilys Elwyn-Edwards. The Monteverdi Singers will be conducted by Graeme Cotterill.

Click here for more information abut all the events at this year’s Beaumaris Festival.