
A Carol on the A55

Last year, one of the regular walkers on the open church walks wrote a short radio play with a heartwarming seasonal message . We had it professionally recorded and here is the link if you would like to hear it again or for the first time if you missed it. Enjoy and happy Christmas!


Bank Holiday on Llanddona Beach

On Bank Holiday Monday a fun time was had by all on Llanddona Beach at the annual sand castle and sand sculpture competition.


Gwasanaeth Gŵyl Biwmares 28/5/2023 Beaumaris Festival Service

Croeso cynnes i bawb! Dewch i fwynhau’r gwasanaeth arbennig hwn. All are welcome! Please do come to enjoy this special service.


Taith Eglwys Agored ☩ 7/5/23 ☩ Open Church Walk

Mynwent Llaniestyn ☩ Llanddona LL58 8YG ☩ Llaniestyn Cemetery


Synfyfyrio Mewn Gerddi ☩ 28/4/2023 ☩ Garden Reflections

Join us for our reflections in different gardens during the year using a simple format following the footsteps of the Desert fathers and Celtic saints. Ymunwch ȃ ni yn ein cyfres o gyfarfodydd synfyfyrio mewn amryw o erddi trwy’r flwyddyn, gan ddefnyddio patrwm syml wrth i ni ddilyn ȏl traed tadau’r anialwch a’r seintiau.


Eglwys Llaniestyn Gwaith atgyweirio’n dechrau ☩ St Iestyn’s Church Repair works begin

Diolch i lawer o waith godi arian yn lleol ynglŷn â rhodd hael, rydym wedi gallu dechrau rhan gyntaf y gwaith atgyweirio yn Eglwys Sant Iestyn, Llaniestyn. Thanks to much local fundraising and a generous gift, we have been able to start the first stage of the repair works at St Iestyn’s Church, Llaniestyn.


Easter Day 2023 Sul y Pasg

Come and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with us ☩ Dewch i ddathlu atgyfodiad Iesu gyda ni


Walk of Witness 2023 Taith o Dystiolaeth

Tomorrow (7th April) in Beaumaris, we have our annual Good Friday Walk of Witness. Yfory (7 Ebrill) ym Miwmares, mae gennym ein Taith Gerdded o Dystiolaeth flynyddol ar gyfer Dydd Gwener y Groglith